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We have created a safe space for healing with my custom anointed waist beads

3 waistbeads will be $30 if you have the party


The Deposit: The $100 is used for travel and the $50 for 5 waistbeads included with supplies


. DM me or Text: 409.292.3021 for any questions 


I bless them with anointed holy oil. They’re on my website


Parties are only available for people in the Texas area. If you are out of state please give us a call or DM to set up your party and ammount.


For traditional purposes in Egypt ( I am Egyptian) it’s recommended to use odd numbers. More than one waist bead strand over the belly creates a stronger definition during waist training.


I offer 5 for 75 and 7 for $125

Waist beads: help lose weight, maintain your shape, stop overeating, align your back, and help heal your spirit

I can make them by getting your waist size OR a full body photo

I bless the beads and ship them to you along with a video on how to close them properly.


Waistbeads can take 1-2.5 weeks for completion.

2-3 day turn around if you order directly through me

1st class shipping and tracking number is provided

If you are in the Houston area I offer installation done myself and a blessing over the beads for an extra $15 for transpo+labor via $cashapp , Paypal, Zelle, Venmo


I also offer: Waist Bead parties and wholesale

Custom colors available

View the color chart on IG: @followdeezbrand

My IG is: @desireemckinneyofficial

DM me or visit

#customwaistbeads #allcolorsavailable #mentalstrength

blessed Waistbead Party



    Desiree McKinney

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    © 2013 by Desiree McKinney
    All rights reserved.

    EST. 2013

    Desiree McKinney Beauty Shot Trish Badger
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