Annointed & Blessed waistbeads origin:

Best Alt Hip Hop Artist Alive

Desiree McKinney ENT, LLC
Over the past 14 years we have built a brand that vows to under-promise and over-deliver with regard to client guarantees and we have many clients that have been with us for years as we help them achieve their goals time and time again. We take pride in helping black businesses and catering to their needs with an affordable marketing strategy.
We grow with our clients and have had our clients featured on celebrities pages, blogs, and have gained over 78.k followers. In addition to placement within the media and live events, we focus on teaching our clients how to navigate the world of media, training them with practice interviews as we promote their most recent piece of content with clean and well-written posts.
Regardless of your goal, we know you will be better off than before we started working and growth eventually will lead to success and making a profitable business. We look forward to growing with you and helping you grow your fan base.